Thursday, April 19, 2012

Makeup Mistakes, Illustrated

You need one more lesson in all things up-making: a bunch of horribly illustrated makeup mistakes, lest you make an unfixable mistake that ruins your face for all time. Read carefully, and you'll be ready to make up like a pro! Fail to read, however, and you will NEVER DO YOUR MAKEUP CORRECTLY EVER.
When it comes to eyeliner, there's a fine line between a smoky evening look and Raccoon Chic. Make sure you're on the right side.
Despite appearances, false eyelashes can not pull double duty as a tiny mustache.
Lip liner does not equal a free pass to re-draw your mouth in any place or proportions you wish.
Using foundation to fake a sun-kissed complexion that's much darker than your real skin is a great trick... except for that part where, y'know, you have a neck.
Although her lasting appeal as a beauty icon is undeniable, Barbie's makeup should not be replicated by anyone except child beauty pageant contestants. And probably not even then.
Over-application of mascara can result in an effect known as "spider lashes." Over-application of tarantulas can result in an effect known as EEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH.
Putting on blush? Blend, blend, blend! Or, y'know, don't blend, and wind up looking like a scary life-sized doll. You are your own master.
If you have a mole (or, as I like to call it, a beauty mark!), don't try to hide it with cover-up. If you don't have a beauty mark, for the love of all that is holy, don't try to fake it.
Tim Curry successfully pulled off the light lipstick/dark lip liner look in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"... so you can't. Ever. No, really. Don't even try.
And finally, despite their intended use, eye pencils are still subject to all the rules about What Not To Do With Pointy Things In The Vicinity of Your Face.

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