Friday, April 20, 2012

How Famous Literary Characters Would Ask a Girl to the Prom

Literature is riddled with romantic characters doing all kinds of romantic stuff. It figures, then, that some of these memorable characters had to have gone to prom, right? So join me, on a magical journey to the very moments that our favorite literary characters asked their sweet hearts to prom!

Jay Gatsby
“Dearest Daisy, it would just be the most marvelous thing if you would come with me to the West Egg prom! I’ll put on my crispest pink and yellow shirt and boater hat, and we’ll have the most smashing after party in Jordan’s guest house! It’ll be just ducky! And if you don’t want to go… no big deal. I’ll just go swimming that night instead…”

Captain Ahab
“Arrrgh… I’ve been trying to find the way to get me thoughts together and… arrrgh. Moby, I was wondering if you… that is, if you arrrrren’t busy next Friday, would you want to go to the prom with me? Arrrrgh, I know, we’ve had ourrrrrgh ups and downs, what with me hunting you throughout the seven seas of the globe but it’s really just because… I’m in love with you!”

Holden Caulfield
“Wuddya say Sally? You and me, we can go the prom, I guess. It’ll probably be strictly for the birds, but I suppose we can go shoot the bull with some of the chaperones. Won’t be anyone but a bunch of phonies there dancing to a bunch of crumby music like Rihanna and LMFAO. Or we can take the train into New York City and break into the Central Park Zoo… Sally? Where are you going, Sally?”

“Surely thou thinks’t not that Homecoming is the very pinnacle of our courtship! Ophelia, you cleft my heart in twain when thous’t stood me up for the Varsity Soccer Hayrack Ride, but, oh, you mad, mad sorceress of my heart, I shall have thee for thine own on All Prom’s Eve. And we shall share a stretch limo with Laertes since he’s going stag. I hope thou art cool with that.”

Howard Roark
“I want you to know, Gail, that I am asking you to prom because it is what I have chosen for myself. It is what I want to do on that night, and if it wasn’t what I wanted, then I wouldn’t have asked you. I’ll also have you know that if I find no joy in the prom, I will leave. You may leave with me, or you may stay. That choice is yours. I cannot define your happiness for you. Where would you like to eat beforehand?”

The Dormouse
“Alice, I was… zzzzz… fwah! What’s that? Oh, hello Alice! I was just coming to ask you if you would…. Zzzzz… Schwah ho! Hello! I’m up! Oh, Alice. Just who I was looking for. I wanted to ask you to the prom. Now, I’m probably going to fall aslee…. Zzzzz. Shazam hoozah! Wha who? Yes, as I was saying, I won’t make you ride a dodo like the Mad Hatter did when you went to Winter Formal with him… zzzz…”

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